
Blog 6: English Language Challenges

 Last blog, here we come! Although it may seem super hard to believe, I think I have improved my English quite a bit from last year. I notice my progress because I use translators less and less to understand, and because I can read whole paragraphs of papers without getting frustrated because I don't understand some words. In reading and writing I'm on the right track, but I need to reinforce listening and speaking even more, I'm progressing slowly, but I'm making progress. Sometimes the slow progress frustrates me because it is all in English (books, papers, articles, lectures, etc.) and I feel that I am the one who is lagging behind, so I have to hurry and that is where I put pressure on myself. Not to mention the nerves I get when I want to speak in English, sometimes I want to say words that I know how to pronounce, but being nervous I end up stuttering and saying something that is not understood. Lately, I've been helping myself by listening to English podcasts

Blog 5: Changes to my study program

The truth is that I have been thinking about this topic since I started my studies, I think it is extremely important to discuss these issues for the future of the next generations.  Based on the curriculum of the first and second year of anthropology, I would really like to add subjects related to physical anthropology, since in the first year (first and second semester) we only had the subject of Human Evolution, all the other subjects are of social anthropology. To me, that is one of the main reasons why the major most chosen by students is social, since it is the one that is most known.   Honestly, I haven't had that much of a workload, the subjects are generally very calm and not stressful. The only subject that I found to have a heavy workload was Fundamental Problems of Anthropology II, in this course we had weekly essay-type evaluations. I would like to modify the academic load, because many times students do the work in a hurry in order to hand in the work. In relation t

Blog 4: Time travel to the past or future

 Mmm I think I would like to travel to both eras, but for a short time (a week in each), this would be to have time to explore, discover and reflect on situations that I will explain later.  Usually, historical facts have several sources and stories that contradict each other (mainly when it comes to wars, discoveries and colonizations), for this reason I would go to the past to discover and observe to have an opinion about it, since many times in historical texts situations are "censored" or sometimes it is simply because they are unknown due to lack of archaeological material. Also, I would like to travel to the past to observe the way of life of some people who are no longer in the present, since sometimes anthropologists have the bad habit that when they do not know why such people did such activity, the answer will always be "ritual", being that it could not always have been so. On the other hand, I would like to travel to the future because of the uncertainty

Blog 3: My dream job

Pedagogy of history to Anthropology physic  Since elementary school I had  the dream of being a history teacher, in high school  the only thing  I did was  to enhance that dream. I prepared myself to give a good PTU  and be able  to enter the UMCE, I did history classes before the tests  and there  was even and time when  I gate private lessons to people outside my school, the truth is that I really liked teaching and more it if was  history. In my fourth year of high school,  I saw that this dream was getting closer and closer, and it was when I was finally able to reflect on the disadvantages of choosing this profession; job field and salary. I talked to many professors about the "unpleasant" part of this discipline, and sadly they confirmed what I already knew, it was very difficult to find a job, as there were quite a few history professors. Finally, I got into anthropology, at first it was for social anthropology, but now I feel I like physical anthropology more. I imagi

Blog 2: The best holiday

Favorite holiday in Ensenada When I was thirteen years old, I became a girl scout. In winter, spring and summer we went camping in really beautiful places. We conducted gift packing campaigns around the holidays (Mother's Day, Christmas's, Children's day and Valentine's Day) and went to a nearby Lider supermarket to pack money so that the trip would not be so  expensive. During the middle of 2018 we did a lot of economic activities to be able to camp in Aysén in January 2019, this would be our farthest place where we would camp. In August, we already had enough money saved, but we realized that we also had to buy clothes and items suitable for the cold of Aysén. So we changed the destination of the trip, now it was going to be the tenth region of the lakes.  We divided into commissions so that the planning work was not so complex, there were commissions for transportation, logistics and food. Finally, we left the second week of January 2019, we spent a week in the tenth

Blog 1: A country you would like to visit

 Spain; my destination to visit After finish my undergraduate degree and having traveled through  Latin American countries, I would visit, live and study in Spain. Although, I don't know in which city it could be, I am interested in Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia. I would like to study a postgraduate degree or study  a master's degree in  Forensic Anthropology, and the cities I just named are the right ones to do that.  I am very interested in some postgraduate courses at  the Universidad de Valencia. Furthermore, I have never visited  Spain. Not only that, but I have only seen it in pictures and I  think it's wonderful. Clearly, the change of climate will be very drastic, as I am not used to high temperatures. The maximum I can stand is 33 °C, and as far as I know in Spain it is much more than that. What makes me happiest is that I don't have to learn the language because I already know it :) Universidad de Valencia, Valencia.  City of Barcelona                      

Subject I like to study

A subject I like since elementary school is History, specifically Chilean History. Learning about the history of chile has always seemed super relevant and interesting to me, since we must know our past before living the present and building the future. Besides, understanding history helps us not to make the same mistakes of the past in the future. Formation of Chilean society was a course I had during this semester, this course was a combination of social anthropology and Chilean history. I learned a lot, I remembered several dates and events that I had forgotten. Before starting the course I was very excited and at the same time I felt that many of the units we were going to see were to remember my beautiful years of primary education, since in these years began my love for the history of Chile. What I value most about the course is that everything we learn, which may have happened 500 years ago, continues to have consequences and repercussions today. And we must always be ready for