Blog 5: Changes to my study program

The truth is that I have been thinking about this topic since I started my studies, I think it is extremely important to discuss these issues for the future of the next generations.

 Based on the curriculum of the first and second year of anthropology, I would really like to add subjects related to physical anthropology, since in the first year (first and second semester) we only had the subject of Human Evolution, all the other subjects are of social anthropology. To me, that is one of the main reasons why the major most chosen by students is social, since it is the one that is most known. 

 Honestly, I haven't had that much of a workload, the subjects are generally very calm and not stressful. The only subject that I found to have a heavy workload was Fundamental Problems of Anthropology II, in this course we had weekly essay-type evaluations. I would like to modify the academic load, because many times students do the work in a hurry in order to hand in the work.

In relation to the teaching methods of my professors, I think they could integrate pedagogical skills classes for the professors who find it more difficult to teach. My professors are excellent researchers, but unfortunately there are some that fail in their methodologies; making boring classes, not answering doubts, etc.

About the infrastructure of my university, something that I would love to modify is the size of the classrooms, this is because they are very small and not enough for the amount of students that there are. Along with this, the use of the internet has seemed to me fantastic, in times of pandemic it became something fundamental for learning to continue. 


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that the basic anthropology cycle has focused TOO MUCH on Social Anthropology.

  2. They should add more courses in physical anthropology and archaeology. I agree that some professors do not have the best method.

  3. it is true, some teachers lack better teaching methods.


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