Blog 3: My dream job

Pedagogy of history to Anthropology physic 

Since elementary school I had  the dream of being a history teacher, in high school  the only thing  I did was  to enhance that dream. I prepared myself to give a good PTU  and be able  to enter the UMCE, I did history classes before the tests  and there  was even and time when  I gate private lessons to people outside my school, the truth is that I really liked teaching and more it if was  history. In my fourth year of high school,  I saw that this dream was getting closer and closer, and it was when I was finally able to reflect on the disadvantages of choosing this profession; job field and salary.
I talked to many professors about the "unpleasant" part of this discipline, and sadly they confirmed what I already knew, it was very difficult to find a job, as there were quite a few history professors.

Finally, I got into anthropology, at first it was for social anthropology, but now I feel I like physical anthropology more. I imagine myself studying in labs, examining mummified or skeletal bodies, lecturing on findings, and working in museums in the area of bioanthropology.  The skills I need are analysis, reading and a taste for human biology. The truth is that I am a bit scared of the job field, but I am glad that the career itself is new, it is just unknown and this will require outreach and dissemination. 

No doubt I would like at some point in my life to study through forensic anthropology the search for the disappeared detainees of the dictatorship, as it is something very important to me. In addition, somehow I would be mixing the history of Chile with physical anthropology.

Thank you for reading!


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