Blog 2: The best holiday

Favorite holiday in Ensenada

When I was thirteen years old, I became a girl scout. In winter, spring and summer we went camping in really beautiful places. We conducted gift packing campaigns around the holidays (Mother's Day, Christmas's, Children's day and Valentine's Day) and went to a nearby Lider supermarket to pack money so that the trip would not be so  expensive.

During the middle of 2018 we did a lot of economic activities to be able to camp in Aysén in January 2019, this would be our farthest place where we would camp. In August, we already had enough money saved, but we realized that we also had to buy clothes and items suitable for the cold of Aysén. So we changed the destination of the trip, now it was going to be the tenth region of the lakes. We divided into commissions so that the planning work was not so complex, there were commissions for transportation, logistics and food.

Finally, we left the second week of January 2019, we spent a week in the tenth region of the lakes and toured beautiful places; Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Puelo, Cochamó Valley and finally Ensenada.
Ensenada without a doubt was my favorite vacation spot, we visited the petrohué falls and spent two days in a gigantic campsite, even this one had a door leading to the "courtyard" where the Llanquihue lake and the volcanoes were located. I felt like Phineas and Ferb jaja.

I had a great time in Ensenada, we bathed all day in the lake and at night we ate marshmallows, plus we got along very well with all the people we went with. Furthermore, I would really like to visit this campsite again.

Petrohué falls, Ensenada

Petrohué falls, Ensenada

View from the "courtyard" of the campsite at Ensenada


  1. Ensenada looks beautiful in the photos. The teamwork to reach a goal is very satisfying.

  2. Wows. Its look very beautiful. I have never saw a volcano from close, its must be scary and wonderful at the same time.

  3. I had never heard of Ensenada! It looks like a beautiful place, I would like to go there one day.

  4. Sounds like a very nice place. I liked volcanos, and I would like to visit one in our country.

  5. I loved the place! Scouts is the best organization to meet wonderful people and places, like "Ensenada" for example.


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