Blog 4: Time travel to the past or future

 Mmm I think I would like to travel to both eras, but for a short time (a week in each), this would be to have time to explore, discover and reflect on situations that I will explain later. 

Usually, historical facts have several sources and stories that contradict each other (mainly when it comes to wars, discoveries and colonizations), for this reason I would go to the past to discover and observe to have an opinion about it, since many times in historical texts situations are "censored" or sometimes it is simply because they are unknown due to lack of archaeological material. Also, I would like to travel to the past to observe the way of life of some people who are no longer in the present, since sometimes anthropologists have the bad habit that when they do not know why such people did such activity, the answer will always be "ritual", being that it could not always have been so.

On the other hand, I would like to travel to the future because of the uncertainty of not knowing if the actions we are committing now will have any result in the future. For example, the climate crisis, social problems and technology. Technology in particular catches my attention, what will cell phones be like in another 100 years, and the question might even go further, will there be cell phones or will we be extinct by then due to global warming? 

As I mentioned before, my trips to these times would only be for a week, with what I discover in the future (related to climate change and social problems) I will tell you as soon as I get to the present to try to change if I see that in the future we will be very bad


  1. It is horrible to see how the climate crisis will worsen our future, it is very discouraging to know that bad things are coming:(((

  2. Everything is interpretation, probably if you travel to the past there will be many contradictions between the different actors although they are seeing the same fact. But as you say, if we travel to the past we can form our own opinion.

  3. I like the perspective of going back in time to better understand historical events from experience.

  4. I would like travel to the future too, I feel very curious about the societies in the future and how the humans solve their problems in this time.

  5. Traveling to the future should be interesting but discovering the results of global warming scares me so much.

  6. I would like to travel to the past to check history too. It would be very interested to know how much we get it wrong (or right)

  7. Interesting! It would be great to see what really happened and if everything we read is true :)

  8. I would also like to travel back in time to see with my own eyes some historical facts!!


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