Subject I like to study

A subject I like since elementary school is History, specifically Chilean History.

Learning about the history of chile has always seemed super relevant and interesting to me, since we must know our past before living the present and building the future. Besides, understanding history helps us not to make the same mistakes of the past in the future.

Formation of Chilean society was a course I had during this semester, this course was a combination of social anthropology and Chilean history. I learned a lot, I remembered several dates and events that I had forgotten.

Before starting the course I was very excited and at the same time I felt that many of the units we were going to see were to remember my beautiful years of primary education, since in these years began my love for the history of Chile.

What I value most about the course is that everything we learn, which may have happened 500 years ago, continues to have consequences and repercussions today. And we must always be ready for discussions to be put on the table again.


  1. I also like the histoy! Formation of modern society was interesting

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. I like history too! I think it is very important to understand what is happening today.

  3. History definitely helps to understand a little bit better our present times.

  4. I liked reading about your favorite class, I like history too!! By : Cony Belmar

  5. History was one of my favorites too!! I learned a lot from my teacher


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