Blog 1: A country you would like to visit

 Spain; my destination to visit

After finish my undergraduate degree and having traveled through  Latin American countries, I would visit, live and study in Spain.

Although, I don't know in which city it could be, I am interested in Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia. I would like to study a postgraduate degree or study  a master's degree in  Forensic Anthropology, and the cities I just named are the right ones to do that.  I am very interested in some postgraduate courses at  the Universidad de Valencia.

Furthermore, I have never visited  Spain. Not only that, but I have only seen it in pictures and I  think it's wonderful. Clearly, the change of climate will be very drastic, as I am not used to high temperatures. The maximum I can stand is 33 °C, and as far as I know in Spain it is much more than that.

What makes me happiest is that I don't have to learn the language because I already know it :)

Universidad de Valencia, Valencia.

 City of Barcelona



                                                                          Thank you for read me!!


  1. I think it is a good city to study and get to know. It is also a city I want to visit :)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Ooh, other interesting city from Spain is Granada. The place has a lot beautiful places, like the Alhambra (a palace) and El Paseo de los Tristes (place with a interesting and mysterious story).

  4. I would too like to study a master's degree in forensic anthropology! It's a very interesting topic.

  5. I also want to study in Spain, although I am a little afraid to leave Chile.
    PS: Spaniards, give back the gold you stole.

  6. Forensic anthropology is a topic very interesting, I'm physical anthropologist and I love this so much, although today I'm consecrate mainly on archaeology. I hope you can study in Spain in the future

  7. Spain is a very striking and very beautiful country. What you mention about forensic anthropology is incredible too.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. i hope you can get a master's degree in Spain <3


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