Blog 6: English Language Challenges

 Last blog, here we come!

Although it may seem super hard to believe, I think I have improved my English quite a bit from last year. I notice my progress because I use translators less and less to understand, and because I can read whole paragraphs of papers without getting frustrated because I don't understand some words.

In reading and writing I'm on the right track, but I need to reinforce listening and speaking even more, I'm progressing slowly, but I'm making progress. Sometimes the slow progress frustrates me because it is all in English (books, papers, articles, lectures, etc.) and I feel that I am the one who is lagging behind, so I have to hurry and that is where I put pressure on myself. Not to mention the nerves I get when I want to speak in English, sometimes I want to say words that I know how to pronounce, but being nervous I end up stuttering and saying something that is not understood. Lately, I've been helping myself by listening to English podcasts and using the Duolingo application, it's a little slow, but it goes with what I need.

I have really enjoyed using blogs, because we practice reading and writing, and we get to know our peers better with topics that are not always covered. 

In general, I must say that I really liked this semester of English, to be honest, it has been the English that I have liked the most (I started in Starter A), and it is more because the teacher makes the classes entertaining, not in so much theory but during the semester we had a lot of practical and group activities. Also, seeing each other in person certainly helped to make it my favorite English.


  1. When I started study english in the University, I had to use a translator all the time, and like you, I notice that I have improved my english because today I use the translator for specifics words only. I'm very happy for the achievements of all of us.

  2. I've been using duolingo for years! it's slow but very useful, that application has made me learn things and details of English that I haven't been taught elsewhere!


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