
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

My favorite piece of technology

 My computer I have had two computers in my life, the first one lasted me six years old and in May this year I bought another one as I need a faster computer. My computer during the pandemic has become my best friend, I use it every day  without fail to study, read, chat with my friends, watch movies or series and ocassionally write to let off steam, when I leave home for more than two days I must take my computador with me. I don ' t really know much about  technology, so all the aplications and website I use are very easy to use, but little by little I have been learning and immersing myself more and more in the world of technology. I really like the computer because it's just an object and it serves for many important things, I know I won´t die if I don't use it but it makes my life much easier and faster.

Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 My career In this post I want to talk about the reason why I chose my career. I remember that in high school I loved the subject of History, I reviewed my classmates before an exam and sometimes I helped my teachers to lead the classes, since I was little I wanted to study history pedagogy and in my last year of high school I saw other options. Law, Special Education Pedagogy, Social Work and Anthropology were my options, I was undecided because I didn't know what to choose. I finally decided to study Anthropology because of the curriculum, because of the study of the human and everything that leads us to the way we are now. During the first semester I had an approach with biology that I have loved, I have searched for information about bioanthropology and I would really like to dedicate myself to that. 

My Autobiography-Who am I?

  I am Valentina Escalona Loncón, I was born on July 18, 2002 in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school I studied at the Chillán school in La Florida. Later, I studied two years of my high school at the Siglo XXI school in La Florida and my last two years were at the Liceo Paula Jaraquemada in Recoleta. I am studying anthropology at Universidad de Chile I am in my first year, the career has helped me to find new hobbies such as reading universal history, interest in osteology and watch documentaries about human evolution. Cleaning my house during the pandemic has become a new hobby, I can distract myself for hours by performing this action.  Currently l am living in Huechuraba with my mother and my maternal grandmother, I  have two older brothers, who already have their own family and house.