My Autobiography-Who am I?


I am Valentina Escalona Loncón, I was born on July 18, 2002 in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school I studied at the Chillán school in La Florida. Later, I studied two years of my high school at the Siglo XXI school in La Florida and my last two years were at the Liceo Paula Jaraquemada in Recoleta.

I am studying anthropology at Universidad de Chile I am in my first year, the career has helped me to find new hobbies such as reading universal history, interest in osteology and watch documentaries about human evolution. Cleaning my house during the pandemic has become a new hobby, I can distract myself for hours by performing this action. 

Currently l am living in Huechuraba with my mother and my maternal grandmother, I  have two older brothers, who already have their own family and house.


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