A photo and its Story

I took this photo on October 8 when I went to the Colonial Art Museum in San Francisco, there is a great diversity of animals in this place; chickens, cats, peacocks and fish. The peacock in the photo looked at my cell phone camera and I took the photo immediately.

I like this photo because of the curious look the peacock has, as if it wants to identify who are the people who are visiting its quiet space. 

The interesting thing about the moment of the photo was that the peacock was the one that approached me and not the other way around, I didn't even make a sound or movement for it to approach, it approached on its own. Apparently it was a peacock sociable with humans.

I am struck by how natural the animal appears, almost always in peacock photos photographers expect the peacock to open its big wings, being that the look is also something quite interesting that we should appreciate more.


  1. It is a beautiful peacock! He posed for you.

  2. I've always been amazed by the beauty of peacocks

  3. A very accurate photo of a very cute animal!

  4. When I was in high school, sometimes I went to the "cimarra" and since I was in the center, I went to that museum to relax, it is a small green dot. Good photo companion

  5. the museum is very entertaining! I've been there three times!

  6. Wows!! Next to my school there were peacocks, but they weren´t so nice.


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